Wednesday, May 20, 2009

New Stroller!

We bought a new 2 baby jogging stroller recently and Carter & Mere are loving it!!! Here's a picture of Carter in it the first day before we headed down to pick up Mere...we couldn't get out of the house fast enough (which is why he's crying in the picture)! He wanted in and then I realized I would have to fold it down to get it out of the took a few minutes, but I finally figured it out and then we were off. Jogging with two 20+ pound babies was tough, but they love being outside and it's a great workout! We're excited about taking it on vacation too!

I thought I had a picture of Meredith in it too, but it must be on Shanda's camera...I'll have to add it later.

Oh, and here's a picture of Carter later tonight...he flew into the kitchen and sprayed me with the water bottle. Matt showed him how it worked...he's quick learner! : )

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