Saturday, May 23, 2009

New booster seat and bye bye ba ba!

We've had trouble getting Carter to sit in his highchair lately, so we bought him a new booster seat, so he can sit at the table like a big boy! Here he is eating his oatmeal w/blueberries on Saturday morning...

I'm glad we got a picture of him in his highchair one last time, before we put it away. I can't believe how quick he is growing up! :( Here he is playing with his play-doh...he's doing much better with it lately. We couldn't play with it for a long time, because it would go in his mouth immediately.

Mere stopped by for a quick visit this morning too. Here she is trying to get some play-doh...

And here she is in her adorable pigtails...what a cutie!!!

Today was another big milestone for Carter...not only did he say bye bye to his highchair, but he also said bye bye to ba ba (paci)!!! The first picture above is the last time he has had ba ba. I was so worried about getting rid of it, but he has done way better than expected...he's only mentioned it a couple times. And that is so amazing b/c he was totally addicted to paci! I'm so glad we didn't wait until vacation to get rid of it.

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