Monday, April 5, 2010

20 week ultrasound

Ultrasound pics have been added...

We had our 20 week ultrasound today (3/26/2010)… and it’s a GIRL!!! Although we would've been happy either way, we are so excited to be having a little girl! What a blessing to have one of each! Our little angel weighed 10 ounces and measure 19 weeks, 3 days! So glad I have the precious pictures uploaded now...we've been having technical difficulty! : ) The girl doing the ultrasound kept saying how cute she was already! Her profile looks almost exactly like Carter's! She was so funny too...she was folded in half, with her legs on top of her and she kept putting her hands on her face and over her head. It's amazing how you can already see her little features and count her fingers and toes at such a small size! Initially we weren't going to take Carter, but it was such an exciting day that we let him choose whether or not he wanted to come...and of course, he wanted to come with mommy, daddy, mimi, andaddy, and aunt shanda to see Baby 2! It was such a special time and Carter was such a good boy!

The Radiologist reading the results thought she was a little on the small side (which my Dr. disagreed, since all her measurements were only a few days off from 20 weeks) and they noted a mild dilation in her kidneys, so we’ll go back in a month to have another ultrasound. My doctor said she sees that same reading at least 3 times a week, so it is probably nothing, but we’ll check just to make sure.

We met Aunt Lori for lunch afterwards and she brought us the sweetest outfit, cardigan, and snuggly little blanket for Baby 2...I love all the frills!
We had such a wonderful day today- we bought her first girly clothes (spent a ton at Janie & Jack- daddy was shocked…mommy will look at price tags next time)! : ) Not that she needs any clothes since Mere is passing down her entire wardrobe- which is amazing! Mere has some beautiful clothes…in addition to her cutesy carseat, pack n play, and stroller that we get to use! : ) We started a pottery barn registry too- I fell in love with one of the bedding sets (it’s the Penelope bedding and is pink and green with cute little birdies)!! : )

We are going to Florida in October, so we bought Baby 2 and Carter matching outfits...they are going to be so cute together! : )

Carter seems excited…he likes talking about her and especially likes visiting her room!
We've been calling her Harper today! Mommy has secretly been calling her that for about a week now! : ) Not sure whether that's our final decision...we'll see! : )

1 comment:

The Proctors said...

So adorable!!! I love all the girlie stuff :) And Harper is precious!! Looks like you guys are doing great! Love ya!