Monday, April 5, 2010

12 week ultrascreen

Finally have the ultrascreen pictures uploaded...I've had this posting saved as a draft for over 2 months! : )

We had our 12 week ultrasound screening today (1/28/2010)! Baby 2 was so was very active, the lady said it was acting like it was on a slip and slide! : ) She said you've got a wild one here...we told her that we already had one at home! : ) Everything went great and we should get the results from the bloodwork back soon. Baby 2 was 5.15 cm, measured at 11 weeks, 6 days, and heartbeat was 169 beats/min (still haven't heard it yet). Baby 2 also kept sticking its tongue was so cute. The lady doing the ultrasound said in all her years of doing them, she didn't think she had ever seen one so young stick its tongue out. I told Matt that maybe it's a girl, since it's sassy already...ha, ha! : ) We'll see...I don't really have a feeling yet!

Baby 2 at 12 weeks....

sticking out it's tongue...

Carter at 12 weeks...

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