Friday, April 30, 2010

3 hour glucose test

I had to go in for my 3 hour glucose test today...they make you take the 3 hour test if your glucose level is 140 or higher and mine was 142. They had me take my test back in the lab, so I couldn't get Mimi to take any pictures! Thankfully they had the fruit punch flavor, so it didn't taste too horrible, I just felt weird afterwards...really weak. I was so thirsty, I drank it in about a minute- they said they didn't think they had ever had anyone drink it so fast! Here I am afterwards- I survived! They messed up on my paperwork and it ended up taking 4 hours before I was finished- I was so exhausted and starving since I wasn't able to have anything to eat or drink after midnight last night. I felt so icky by the time I got home! Hopefully, I'll get good results, but just in case I've already started modifying my diet...Shanda is letting me use her food journal and has had some great suggestions.

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