Saturday, April 24, 2010


Today, Matt ran his 1st marathon!!! We are soooooo proud of him- he has been traveling a lot and hasn't had much time to train. The weather was bad, so Carter & I stayed at home- I was so sad to be missing such a big day for him. : ( I did sign up to get text messages as he passed major milestones- it was nice to know how he was doing! The weather was fine most of his run, until right near the end- they started calling for Tornado warnings, so they started diverting people to the end of the course. They didn't tell them either- he passed mile 22 and then instead of making it to 23, he was nearing the finish. I think he did around 22.67 miles in 3 hours 31 minutes- which is awesome! He was bummed that he was so close and wasn't given the option to finish the full 26...we are still so proud of him!!!

Today, we also celebrated our 6 year anniversary!!!
(Happy Anniversary sweetie- I love you with all my heart!!!!)
We dated forever before we got married, so our wedding day was such a dream for me...I knew he was the one for me shortly after meeting him!

We celebrated with Carrabba's dinner and Maggie Moo ice cream- yum-o!!!

"At last, my love has come along

My lonely days are over

And life is like a song...

And here we are in heaven

For you are mine

At last"

~Etta James

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