Saturday, April 3, 2010

Harper's Nursery

I wasn't in a big rush to start on the nursery (as I know she'll be in our room for at least the first few months), but Matt has been so excited! He was ready to start working on it the day we found out we were having a girl! We've cleaned out most of the room...actually we've just relocated it to the hall/bonus room upstairs. : ) Here's some of the pics I've taken so far...

Carter helping Daddy assemble her closet system...

Here's her beautiful bedding! We went ahead and bought the toddler quilt, so we would know exactly what the colors were as we were decorating.

Here's a view of her closet and chandelier...Her furniture should be in within the next couple months...I can't wait!!!
Mimi bought Carter, Mere, and baby Harper the cutest bunnies. Carter wanted Harper's bunny to sleep with his last was so sweet!!!!!!!

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