Friday, April 30, 2010

3 hour glucose test

I had to go in for my 3 hour glucose test today...they make you take the 3 hour test if your glucose level is 140 or higher and mine was 142. They had me take my test back in the lab, so I couldn't get Mimi to take any pictures! Thankfully they had the fruit punch flavor, so it didn't taste too horrible, I just felt weird afterwards...really weak. I was so thirsty, I drank it in about a minute- they said they didn't think they had ever had anyone drink it so fast! Here I am afterwards- I survived! They messed up on my paperwork and it ended up taking 4 hours before I was finished- I was so exhausted and starving since I wasn't able to have anything to eat or drink after midnight last night. I felt so icky by the time I got home! Hopefully, I'll get good results, but just in case I've already started modifying my diet...Shanda is letting me use her food journal and has had some great suggestions.

Random April Pics

New basketball goal...Carter is actually pretty good! One night he was being sassy and picked up the ball on his way out of the room and threw it over his shoulder behind him and it went in...only Carter! His face totally said "I knew it was going in"! : )

Working with his tools after church. He knows all the tool names (except for the saw- he calls it a "see saw"...close enough) : ) and he is a pro working with them!

Sweet angels hiding in their "snuggle nest"! It was storming one day when Mimi was keeping them, so she made them a special place in the closet to hideout!

Chef Carter- helping mommy whip up some Funfetti cupcakes...yum-o!

Ready to help daddy mow the grass!

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Today, Matt ran his 1st marathon!!! We are soooooo proud of him- he has been traveling a lot and hasn't had much time to train. The weather was bad, so Carter & I stayed at home- I was so sad to be missing such a big day for him. : ( I did sign up to get text messages as he passed major milestones- it was nice to know how he was doing! The weather was fine most of his run, until right near the end- they started calling for Tornado warnings, so they started diverting people to the end of the course. They didn't tell them either- he passed mile 22 and then instead of making it to 23, he was nearing the finish. I think he did around 22.67 miles in 3 hours 31 minutes- which is awesome! He was bummed that he was so close and wasn't given the option to finish the full 26...we are still so proud of him!!!

Today, we also celebrated our 6 year anniversary!!!
(Happy Anniversary sweetie- I love you with all my heart!!!!)
We dated forever before we got married, so our wedding day was such a dream for me...I knew he was the one for me shortly after meeting him!

We celebrated with Carrabba's dinner and Maggie Moo ice cream- yum-o!!!

"At last, my love has come along

My lonely days are over

And life is like a song...

And here we are in heaven

For you are mine

At last"

~Etta James

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Picnic in the park

Matt has been traveling a lot lately and we've been so busy. We decided to have a picnic in the park after church today. It was so much fun...Carter has a blast playing with bubbles, running, swinging, playing on the jungle gym, and walking on a trail!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Harper's Furniture

We got a call yesterday that several pieces of Harper's furniture were in, so we went to pick them up today. We woke up early this morning to finish taking down all the office furniture and moving everything out...
and hanging the curtains in her closet...

Here are Carter and Andaddy at USA Baby...trying to help us decide on a chair for Harper!

Playing on the jungle gym's in the Rainbow play area attached to the store...he had a blast!

Looking at the Rainbow magazine...trying to decide which play system he wants! : ) He was so cute...we told him that we would buy him one whenever we bought a house with a bigger yard...hopefully next year!

The furniture was really heavy and the boxes were huge...thankfully Matt had help from Andaddy, Mimi, and Unc Matt, since I couldn't help any.

This is only part of the disaster afterwards! Pieces of boxes and furniture wrapping were all over the place...Carter was totally loving it! : )

Trying out Harper's new bed!

I still need to wash everything, but I was so excited I wanted to see how her bedding looked on the adorable!

We are still missing her long dresser and the pink chair that we just ordered...I can't wait till they come in! I'll definitely add more pictures as her room nears completion! : )

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Working Hard

Carter was working hard in the yard this afternoon! This boy loves projects and tools...he has so much fun helping daddy!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Such a cutie...

after church today! Our little man was in such a good mood today! : )

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Lauren's Birthday Party

Lauren just turned 2! She's in Carter's Sunday School class at Church and is such a cutie! Here's some pics of her fun party!

Poor little Mere...she was so scared of climbing up high! She only gets about half way up and then comes back down. Maybe next time Mere!

Group pic!

Mere even got to try pizza for the first time! She just outgrew her dairy allergy and we are sooooooooo excited for her! Dairy is in everything, so this opens up a whole new world for her!!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Favorite snack

Lately, this has been Mommy's (and Harper's) favorite snack!!!

Carter has been enjoying it too! : )

20 week ultrasound

Ultrasound pics have been added...

We had our 20 week ultrasound today (3/26/2010)… and it’s a GIRL!!! Although we would've been happy either way, we are so excited to be having a little girl! What a blessing to have one of each! Our little angel weighed 10 ounces and measure 19 weeks, 3 days! So glad I have the precious pictures uploaded now...we've been having technical difficulty! : ) The girl doing the ultrasound kept saying how cute she was already! Her profile looks almost exactly like Carter's! She was so funny too...she was folded in half, with her legs on top of her and she kept putting her hands on her face and over her head. It's amazing how you can already see her little features and count her fingers and toes at such a small size! Initially we weren't going to take Carter, but it was such an exciting day that we let him choose whether or not he wanted to come...and of course, he wanted to come with mommy, daddy, mimi, andaddy, and aunt shanda to see Baby 2! It was such a special time and Carter was such a good boy!

The Radiologist reading the results thought she was a little on the small side (which my Dr. disagreed, since all her measurements were only a few days off from 20 weeks) and they noted a mild dilation in her kidneys, so we’ll go back in a month to have another ultrasound. My doctor said she sees that same reading at least 3 times a week, so it is probably nothing, but we’ll check just to make sure.

We met Aunt Lori for lunch afterwards and she brought us the sweetest outfit, cardigan, and snuggly little blanket for Baby 2...I love all the frills!
We had such a wonderful day today- we bought her first girly clothes (spent a ton at Janie & Jack- daddy was shocked…mommy will look at price tags next time)! : ) Not that she needs any clothes since Mere is passing down her entire wardrobe- which is amazing! Mere has some beautiful clothes…in addition to her cutesy carseat, pack n play, and stroller that we get to use! : ) We started a pottery barn registry too- I fell in love with one of the bedding sets (it’s the Penelope bedding and is pink and green with cute little birdies)!! : )

We are going to Florida in October, so we bought Baby 2 and Carter matching outfits...they are going to be so cute together! : )

Carter seems excited…he likes talking about her and especially likes visiting her room!
We've been calling her Harper today! Mommy has secretly been calling her that for about a week now! : ) Not sure whether that's our final decision...we'll see! : )