Wednesday, July 28, 2010

New Stroller

Our new stroller came today and I'm so excited about it! It's a Sit n Stand, so it has a place for Carter to sit or stand on the back and it has a regular stroller seat in the front. It has an attachment, so we can secure Harper's infant carseat in the front until she is able to sit up on her own. Carter had fun trying it out tonight!!! He also told us tonight that he wanted his little sister to sweet!!!

Potty Training

I had almost given up on potty training...our little man showed no interest and would even cry when you mentioned using the big potty. On Friday our family came over to hang out and Mere went to potty. Carter said he wanted to go also, so my mom put him up there and he actually went. He has gone everyday since then with only a couple little accidents (even during naptime and throughout the night)! We are so impressed with how great he's doing! It may not last after Harper is born, but we are so excited that he is making progress now!

Belly Pics

Weeks 5-38:

38 weeks-
37 weeks-36 weeks-
35 weeks-
34 weeks-
33 weeks-
32 weeks-
31 weeks-
30 weeks- 29 weeks- 28 weeks-
27 weeks-
26 weeks-
25 weeks-
24 weeks- 23 weeks-
22 weeks-
21 weeks-
20 weeks-
19 weeks-
18 weeks-
17 weeks-
16 weeks-
15 weeks- 14 weeks- 13 weeks-
12 weeks-
11 weeks- 10 weeks- 9 weeks- 8 weeks-
7 weeks- 6 weeks-
5 weeks-

Monday, July 26, 2010

Carter's dental checkup

Carter had a dental checkup today. He cracked me up- we walked in, they gave him a balloon, and then he said "ok, me ready to go"...poor baby, they hadn't even done anything yet! The dentist went ahead and inspected his teeth real quick and he got a sticker and ribbon for having no cavities. There were a few tears and he fought a little, but not bad. When it was time for the lady to come clean his teeth, he got very upset- he was crying his head off and flailing around. They finally had to take us to a back room to finish cleaning his teeth. I'm not sure why he was freaking out so bad...she only cleaned them for a couple minutes! When we got home he said he was worried that mommy was going to leave him. I don't know why he always has this fear of me leaving him...he has only ever stayed with Mimi, Nana, or the nursery at Church. Well, we survived and won't have to go back for 6 months...I may let Matt take him next time! : )

On the way to the dentist...

Shortly after arriving... cavities!
His prize for being a good boy! I said he should've had negative prizes after throwing such a fit! : )
We also bought him some nasty tasting stuff to put on his fingernails, so hopefully he'll stop sucking his thumb. We haven't tried it yet, but I'll have to post an update on how it works!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

False Alarm

Matt & I went to dinner tonight...we figured we better take a date night since it might be the last for a while! We had a fabulous dinner at Carrabba's and as we were finishing up I started having contractions. I finally called the doctor after over 2 1/2 hours of contractions...mainly since they were coming 3-4 minutes apart...and they advised me to come into to the OB ER. We packed everything up and headed to Centennial. By the time we got there I hadn't noticed any contractions for a while, so we sat in the parking garage for a little while and since I wasn't having anymore we decided to head home. We were all bummed...after about 3 hours of contractions we thought for sure she was coming! Carter was really upset too- he kept wanting to go into the hospital and cried because he wanted his little sister to be was so sad! I guess she changed her mind! My mom took this picture of us before we left the house...we thought it would be our last as a family of 3...

Dr. Appt. Update

I can't believe how far behind I had gotten on the website and especially for the lack of pregnancy updates! Well, we are in the homestretch now! I will be 38 weeks on Tuesday...whoo hoo! Last Wednesday when I went to the doctor, I was almost dilated to 3 and between 70 and 80% effaced!!! I was so excited about progress since the two weeks before that I had only been dilated to 1 and 50% effaced! We go back for an ultrasound (to check her size) and a checkup on Wednesday, so depending on her size, we may schedule her birthday then...unless she decides to come sooner! : ) I have been doing well on the gestational diabetes diet...I'm just tired of measuring everything (especially fruit and milk) and can't wait to have special treats! I have been able to tolerate small amounts of ice cream and chocolate (it's crazy how I can barely tolerate pizza and tacos and usually go over my levels, but I can have ice cream and chocolate- Shanda was the total opposite when she had gestational diabetes with Mere), but I have to count the carbs (by the way a tiny square of a hershey bar is 3 carbs) and I feel guilty after having them...and I have to give up filling food to eat them! It makes me want desserts so much more, since I know I can't really have them. My main request after Harper is born is to have birthday cake...yum-o!!! I have continued going on my 30 minute walks just about every day...even in the heat! I can't wait for cooler weather!

I will definitely keep you updated after the appointment on Wednesday!!!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Preparing for Harper's arrival

Her room is all finished, other than waiting on her backordered dresser. So below are pictures of the other activities that have been keeping us busy getting ready.
It's DREFT time! Shanda & Matt brought over a portion of Mere's clothes...we are so thankful to be able to use all of her baby stuff! Harper is going to be a little diva, just like cousin Mere! Her closet and dresser is already full and I only washed the 0-3 month clothes! : )

This is the adorable shirt/gown set I had made for Harper's arrival! I can't wait to take pictures of my little angels in them...

Harper's hair bown holder...Matt & I actually made this on our own...we're pretty proud of it! : )

The bags are packed...

Her coming home from the hospital outfit is ready (thank you Mimi for finding her such a beautiful outfit...and for ironing all her dresses for me)! : )

Her swing is ready...and getting good use! Carter's monkeys are going to be sad when they have to give it up! : )
And her co-sleeper bed is ready to be occupied...well, most days it is! : )