Sunday, July 25, 2010

Dr. Appt. Update

I can't believe how far behind I had gotten on the website and especially for the lack of pregnancy updates! Well, we are in the homestretch now! I will be 38 weeks on Tuesday...whoo hoo! Last Wednesday when I went to the doctor, I was almost dilated to 3 and between 70 and 80% effaced!!! I was so excited about progress since the two weeks before that I had only been dilated to 1 and 50% effaced! We go back for an ultrasound (to check her size) and a checkup on Wednesday, so depending on her size, we may schedule her birthday then...unless she decides to come sooner! : ) I have been doing well on the gestational diabetes diet...I'm just tired of measuring everything (especially fruit and milk) and can't wait to have special treats! I have been able to tolerate small amounts of ice cream and chocolate (it's crazy how I can barely tolerate pizza and tacos and usually go over my levels, but I can have ice cream and chocolate- Shanda was the total opposite when she had gestational diabetes with Mere), but I have to count the carbs (by the way a tiny square of a hershey bar is 3 carbs) and I feel guilty after having them...and I have to give up filling food to eat them! It makes me want desserts so much more, since I know I can't really have them. My main request after Harper is born is to have birthday cake...yum-o!!! I have continued going on my 30 minute walks just about every day...even in the heat! I can't wait for cooler weather!

I will definitely keep you updated after the appointment on Wednesday!!!

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