Friday, July 23, 2010

Preparing for Harper's arrival

Her room is all finished, other than waiting on her backordered dresser. So below are pictures of the other activities that have been keeping us busy getting ready.
It's DREFT time! Shanda & Matt brought over a portion of Mere's clothes...we are so thankful to be able to use all of her baby stuff! Harper is going to be a little diva, just like cousin Mere! Her closet and dresser is already full and I only washed the 0-3 month clothes! : )

This is the adorable shirt/gown set I had made for Harper's arrival! I can't wait to take pictures of my little angels in them...

Harper's hair bown holder...Matt & I actually made this on our own...we're pretty proud of it! : )

The bags are packed...

Her coming home from the hospital outfit is ready (thank you Mimi for finding her such a beautiful outfit...and for ironing all her dresses for me)! : )

Her swing is ready...and getting good use! Carter's monkeys are going to be sad when they have to give it up! : )
And her co-sleeper bed is ready to be occupied...well, most days it is! : )

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