Monday, July 26, 2010

Carter's dental checkup

Carter had a dental checkup today. He cracked me up- we walked in, they gave him a balloon, and then he said "ok, me ready to go"...poor baby, they hadn't even done anything yet! The dentist went ahead and inspected his teeth real quick and he got a sticker and ribbon for having no cavities. There were a few tears and he fought a little, but not bad. When it was time for the lady to come clean his teeth, he got very upset- he was crying his head off and flailing around. They finally had to take us to a back room to finish cleaning his teeth. I'm not sure why he was freaking out so bad...she only cleaned them for a couple minutes! When we got home he said he was worried that mommy was going to leave him. I don't know why he always has this fear of me leaving him...he has only ever stayed with Mimi, Nana, or the nursery at Church. Well, we survived and won't have to go back for 6 months...I may let Matt take him next time! : )

On the way to the dentist...

Shortly after arriving... cavities!
His prize for being a good boy! I said he should've had negative prizes after throwing such a fit! : )
We also bought him some nasty tasting stuff to put on his fingernails, so hopefully he'll stop sucking his thumb. We haven't tried it yet, but I'll have to post an update on how it works!

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