Sunday, July 25, 2010

False Alarm

Matt & I went to dinner tonight...we figured we better take a date night since it might be the last for a while! We had a fabulous dinner at Carrabba's and as we were finishing up I started having contractions. I finally called the doctor after over 2 1/2 hours of contractions...mainly since they were coming 3-4 minutes apart...and they advised me to come into to the OB ER. We packed everything up and headed to Centennial. By the time we got there I hadn't noticed any contractions for a while, so we sat in the parking garage for a little while and since I wasn't having anymore we decided to head home. We were all bummed...after about 3 hours of contractions we thought for sure she was coming! Carter was really upset too- he kept wanting to go into the hospital and cried because he wanted his little sister to be was so sad! I guess she changed her mind! My mom took this picture of us before we left the house...we thought it would be our last as a family of 3...

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