Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sick Boy!

I got a call today from my grandparents that Carter was running a high fever. Carter has never run a high fever, so I was freaking out, of course. He had been fine that morning when I dropped him off, but apparently went downhill fast. Thankfully Dr. Johnson was able to see him quick...and it was STREP THROAT!!! Mommy had it lots when she was little, but I wasn't as little as Carter and I knew he had to feel horrible! While we were picking up his meds at Publix, he said he wanted a cake to eat. And of course, he has mommy wrapped around his precious, tiny little here he is with the cake he picked out. He was fussing because he didn't want mommy to put him down...

He calmed down quick, when it was time to eat cake though...

Poor baby snacking on grapes...he didn't want much to eat, other than cake, so I was glad he finally agreed to eat some fruit
(Note the pink blanket- we bought this for Harper, but Matt and Carter have totally taken it over. She'll be lucky if she ever gets to use it! : ) It is the softest blanket ever though!)
Snuggling with daddy
One day of meds down...9 more to go...aaaaahhh!!!

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